Alexander Wang debuted his collaboration with Adidas Orginals Sunday night in NYC. The #wangsquad took their laps in black tees, sweatshirts, hoodies, basketball shorts, sweat pants and inverted versions of the Adidas logos.
The collection vibed of Wang’s Cali roots signifying a younger more streety skater urban feel. For those looking for sophistication, one would have to look elsewhere although dear ol’ Madge seemed to have no problem pulling off the look at 58 as she sat front row next to her 19 year old daughter Lourdes also dressed in Wang. It’s perhaps because she too remembered the film FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMOUNT HIGH and found the collection to be like a soft cozy blanket of memories to wrap up in.
For WANG there’s nothing different in this collection from those of the past. WANG prides himself on delivering fashion for the cool kids in town and this season supported his philosophy wholeheartedly.