We could babble on and on about Pharrel Williams, Kanye West and Julia Fox blah blah blah. “Whatevs” as the kids say.
It was a Sunday morning. With the jetlag it was more like a Saturday night for us and here we sat in a chilly Galerie Vivienne ofthe late Kenzo Takada to watch the 2022 show. Let it be known we are huge fans of Kenzo. In 1993, when he sold his company for $80 million to what would become LVMH in 2020 he passed away.
Now, 2022 what buzzed about in the Galerie was the arrival of the new creative director Nigo. So, let’s see what we got without going into a long-winded historical mind numbing explanation of the show’s precursors and turnovers. It’s like 2 minutes down the runway. Let’s see the designs.
Lively, fun with comfortable shoes.